Assessments of compliance with consumer law

Area of expertise

Finding the way through the maze of legal regulations and laws is a challenge. Often this is due to quickly changing regulations and the adoption of new ones. It is important to have the assurance that your company has and is acting in compliance with the Polish Competition and Consumer Protection Act. The alternative, blindly doing business without familiarity of the consumer protection laws, can be costly. The President of UOKiK is authorized to issue harsh fines against companies and their managers for a violation of the consumer protection law.


Depending upon the needs and requests of a client, the Firm carries out a comprehensive assessment of the company’s compliance with consumer law or a more narrow review of selected aspects of the company’s procedures and operations (for instance, an audit of specific agreements).

Such an audit/assessment may lead to the issuance of:

  • a legal opinion with recommendations concerning changes to a company’s business practices,
  • procedures designed to ensure consumer protection law compliance, or
  • amendments of a company’s existing procedures and practices.

Dorothy Hansberry-Bieguńska

Małgorzata Krasnodębska-Tomkiel

Grzegorz Materna

Dorota Podsiedzik-Malec


Our offer