Grzegorz Materna moderated an Institute webinar titled: “Towards the new EU block exemption regulation for vertical agreements restricting competition”. Mr. Materna gave a speech on the assessment of hardcore restrictions in the draft guidelines on vertical restraints and moderated the discussion among the speakers and the participants of the event.
A representative of our law firm, Grzegorz Materna, attended a conference organized by the Institute of Legal Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences (INP PAN) and the Mercatus et Civis foundation entitled “III Energy Forum of Science and Economy. Innovations and Development of the energy market.” The conference was held under the honorary patronage of the Minister of Climate and Environment, President of the Energy Regulatory Office and President of the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland. Mr. Materna, who is a member of the conference’s scientific committee, gave a lecture entitled “Competition law and energy markets today.”
At the same time, there was an announcement of the publication of a monograph entitled “Opportunities and threats for participants in the energy market.” Mr Materna and Jarosław Król, president of the Mercatus et Civis foundation edited the monograph.
Our lawyers took part in a conference at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Warsaw on the occasion of the Jubilee of Professor Małgorzata Król-Bogomilska. In a panel session devoted to competition law issues, Ms. Małgorzata Krasnodębska-Tomkiel gave a lecture entitled “Non-statutory sources of law as a basis for penalisation in antitrust law”, while Mr Grzegorz Materna gave a speech on “Financial penalties and the qualification of complex market practices as separate violations of competition and consumer protection law”.
Our lawyers participated in the webinar of the Institute of Legal Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences. The subject of the seminar was: “Competition law and the COVID-19 pandemic: Temporary changes or permanent consequences?” Ms Małgorzata Krasnodębska-Tomkiel made a presentation titled “COVID-19 pandemic and new mechanisms of investment process control”. Mr Grzegorz Materna moderated the seminar and discussions among the three speakers and attendees, who numbered several dozens of practitioners and academics.
Link to the seminar -> “Competition law and the COVID-19 pandemic: Temporary changes or permanent consequences?”
A new volume of „internetowy Kwartalnik Antymonopolowy i Regulacyjny (the online Antimonopoly and Regulatory Quarterly) was published (No. 1(10)/2021). It is devoted to the application of competition law in the face of the coronavirus pandemic and other economic crises. This volume of iKAR was edited by Grzegorz Materna, a senior lawyer in Hansberry Tomkiel.
Link to IKAR.
Ms Hansberry-Bieguńska will take part in a panel discussion on “Private Enforcement in Practice” during the Competition Law Central & Eastern Europe conference, which will take place on 15 June 2021.
It is a pleasure to announce that Hansberry Tomkiel has again been ranked by Legal 500 as a leading competition and antitrust firm in Poland. The Legal 500 distinguished Małgorzata Krasnodębska-Tomkiel as a leading competition lawyer, and placed Dorothy Hansberry-Bieguńska in its “Hall of Fame.”
We are pleased to announce that Hansberry Tomkiel has again been ranked in the ‘Chambers Europe 2021’ as a leading competition and antitrust firm. Chambers and Partners again distinguished Dorothy Hansberry-Bieguńska as among the best competition lawyers in Poland. We very much thank our clients for their recommendations and trust, which means the world to us.
Małgorzata Krasnodębska-Tomkiel took part in a panel session on cooperation between competition authorities. Her presentation was titled “From Regulation 1/2003 to the ECN + Directive – Polish perspective (UOKiK)”.
Grzegorz Materna moderated a webinar in the Institute of Law Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences. The subject of the seminar was: “Digital ecosystems, big data and algorithms – the interaction of competition law, consumers and personal data protection in the digital economy”. Mr. Materna delivered the opening comments of the webinar and moderated the three presentations and discussion among the four speakers and the participants of over 150 practitioners and academics.